Quit Procrastinating and Get Motivated with EFT/Tapping
A few weeks ago—Who am I kidding? Over a month ago, a YouTube viewer requested that I film a video to “help them stop procrastinating and to get motivated and aims-driven.” I made every excuse in the book about why I didn’t have time to write the script, film the video, and yadda yadda yadda. Or film any YouTube video, for that matter. Full disclosure: I’ve been dragging my feet on things I’ve had to do for a while now. Granted, I’ve been working with Tapping clients and finalizing the 2nd book in my Agents of Karma fantasy series, but still. I could have worked on what needed to be done, but I procrastinated BIG TIME. And it wasn’t just YouTube. Honestly, I’ve been procrastinating with other things in my life.
Have you been feeling the same way as me, dragging your feet on things that need to get done and making every excuse in the book as to why you can’t do x, y, or z? If so, I have some good news to report. EFT/Tapping is incredibly effective when it comes to ending procrastination and getting motivated.
After I wrote the procrastination script, filmed and uploaded the YouTube video, a fire was lit under me—I’m talking a blazing inferno. I have been creating content for my various social media sites like crazy and checking off items on my mile-long to-do list that’s been inactive for … I don’t even want to tell you how long.
The same blazing fire can be lit under you!
In my Tapping for Procrastination video below, I’ll help you clear the mental fog, invigorate the mind, and energize the body—all under 12 minutes. By the end, you’ll stop the cycle of procrastination and become motivated to finally get things done. Trust me when I say that because I’m living it now. I’m on a roll with no intention of stopping!
Happy Tapping!
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