A Simple Tip to Handling Distractions and Temptations

Distractions are all around us, tempting us to neglect our true dreams and desires. We have Netflix and YouTube, television programs, social media, libraries stocked full with books and DVDs, shopping malls and retail stores, annoying neighbors… just to name a few.

It’s no wonder so many of us struggle to sit down and focus on our life’s work. We get sucked into these distractions. I mean, they’re right there waiting for us to pay attention to them. They want us. They need us.

Okay, not really. They don’t need us. But they are there, taunting us, tempting us.

So, the question is, how do we handle these distractions and temptations?

Well, we must learn to safeguard our time.

Part of that process is to understand our own tendencies. Can we focus on our work while the TV is on? Or is it a distraction? Would we be more productive if we turned our electronic devices off for an hour or two? How do we react when the phone chimes with a text message? Do we instantly reach for it to see what it is? Or do we have the self-control to get to it as we have time?

If we want to focus on getting some serious work done this year, we must make the best use of our time. So, instead of turning on the TV and watching the news or playing a game on our phones, we should focus on activities that will help us get inspired or motivated.

Here are some ideas to get you started better handling distractions and temptations:
  • Turn on YouTube and listen to a positive energy track
  • Take a walk (even better if it’s in the woods or on the beach)
  • Go for a bike ride
  • Exercise
  • Write a letter to a friend
  • Color in a coloring book
  • Groom the cat
  • Play with a zen garden
  • Work on a hobby (e.g., gardening, arboriculture, painting, writing, wood-turning)

There are lots of things we can do with our time. We don’t always have to be productive, but we should be doing activities that help relax, inspire, or motivate us.

This is the first step to making better use of our time. When we stop spending it on activities that lead to frustration, anger, despair, or numbness, we allow ourselves to keep vibrating at a higher level.

Anger, for instance, is a low-level energy. And when we allow it to consume us, we allow other low-level emotions and objects into our lives. That’s not what I want and I’m guessing it’s not what you want either.

So, focus on the good (the inspiring activities), and the good will follow.

Happy Manifesting!

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