Can EFT Help Struggling Christians?
Last week, I wrote about whether or not EFT is for Christians. In my quick research about what other people were saying about the topic, I thought it was interesting that there are people who believe EFT is the work of the devil.
I can see how it could lead to a Christian turning away from God. But virtually everything in this world has the ability to do that. And if we’re being honest with ourselves, it isn’t the activity that does it; it’s the person who is using it who is in charge of how he reacts.
When I think about how this would work, I start to wonder about the law of attraction. And what about motivational self-talk? How is EFT any different from talking to ourselves in the mirror every morning? Does God frown upon that? Is that the devil’s work? How dare we start feeling good about ourselves when we look in the mirror.
I can understand that we should lay all of our burdens down at God’s feet. The Bible tells us to do that. And that we should accept that Jesus loves us and that we are forgiven.
But the reality is, a lot of people struggle with that concept. Yes, they should let all of their worries go, but what about the people who believe they are still unworthy of God’s love? Do we consider them a lost cause simply because they won’t repent and lay all their burdens down for good, once and for all? Is it okay that they struggle with a traumatic past for the rest of their lives?
And what about the people who have turned their backs on God because they feel they’ve been let down? What about the believers who lost their way after a tragic event that took a family member? Should we turn our backs on them, too? Abandon them and write them off? And what about the people who dull the pain with alcohol or drugs because prayer just doesn’t seem like enough? Are we going to give up on them?
This is such a troubling scenario for me, because I feel strongly that God gave us the ability to heal ourselves with positive words. And with the addition of EFT, a process that releases unstuck energy from all of the emotional things we inadvertently cling to well into adulthood and throughout our lives, we can get to the point where we create our future based on what we desire to be true. And we can get to a point where we can forgive all of the circumstances that have been affecting us so much and causing us to grieve.
That isn’t some mystical thing. Yes, it’s a little crazy how EFT works, and if people don’t want to believe that it is possible through God, I’m not going to argue. But by God’s design, we are able to use the power of positive thinking and acupressure to rewire our brains to believe the things that God says we are.
According to the Bible, we were created in His image. I won’t go into what all that entails (you can read that in the Bible, or if you want an abridged and summarized version you can hear it from Minister Baltimore Scott), but God created us to be like Him. We are spirits. And we were sent down to Earth to take up earthly bodies. And by the Holy Spirit, God resides within us.
The Holy Spirit is energy. We can feel it moving within us if we pay attention.
So, what happens when we have faith, but we don’t truly feel and believe that we are worthy of God’s love? We can pray and continue to pray. But most of us are taught that we need to keep praying and begging God to forgive us, and begging God to give us the things that we desire. And all the while, we don’t realize we are holding ourselves back with subconscious emotional blocks.
We can pray all day long, but if we don’t truly accept that we are forgiven, we will live with this burden for the rest of our lives.
So, enter EFT, an acronym for Emotional Freedom Techniques.
EFT, also referred to as tapping, is an energy healing modality that promotes energy flow in the body. That, in turn, increases our energy frequencies. When we increase our energy frequencies, we align ourselves with higher-frequency emotions, like gratitude, love, and self-worth. We allow ourselves to dwell within those feelings rather than in the low-level energy emotions such as sadness, despair, and anger.
Yes, we can gain this through prayer and we really should try. But for the stubborn or buried emotions, ones we don’t even realize we have, we can experience relief, maybe even for the first time in our lives, if we incorporate acupressure with the process.
I know some of us are harboring deep-seated emotions from childhood trauma—that’s why many people spend years in therapy.
The thing is, we have to be able to think for ourselves.
Bad advice is everywhere. I have heard of marriage counselors advising husbands to pursue their desires for extramarital affairs, to try it and get it out of their system so they can then, hopefully, focus wholeheartedly on their marriage. I have heard of Christian pastors who advise against pursuing money because money is evil.
But what if EFT is a person’s way back to God because they’re able to see themselves in a better emotional state whereas before they couldn’t? How is that evil? How is that the work of the devil?
Success can lead a person far from God if they forget where they came from (that they are a child of God). The pursuit of money can lead down a dangerous path if the person has to hurt someone else in order to obtain it. A negative comment from a family member can lead to dark places if we allow it. Anything can lead a person down the wrong road because temptation is everywhere. It’s all around us.
The spirit realm is confusing. It’s hard for us, in our earthly bodies, to fathom the concept, especially when it’s something we cannot see with our own eyes. And I know some of us have a hard time processing the idea of guardian angels and demons.
But either way, whether we believe they exist or not, we can at least use the tools God has given us for good things. EFT/Tapping can get us to a better emotional place. It can get us seeing things clearly again. It can get us feeling confident again to start pursuing our life’s work. It can get us feeling good about ourselves and the world around us so that we feel strong enough and worthy enough to be a blessing to others.
And it can be the start of a new life with a stronger faith.
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