If you’re struggling to manifest your desires, you’ve come to the right place. If the Law of Attraction hasn’t worked for you, welcome, you’re right where you are supposed to be!
The key to manifesting your desires is to be in perfect vibrational alignment with them. But that can be tricky to achieve when you’re having to contend with harsh reality that clashes with what you’re trying to manifest, especially if you’re in a toxic work environment, jobless, around toxic energy vampires sucking your soul daily. Worry not, I have a quick surefire workaround to that dilemma—EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or in layman terms Tapping (which the action of EFT, tapping on acupoints.) I’m going to help you reach that state of PERFECT VIBRATIONAL ALIGNMENT with your desires so you can manifest them with ease USING EFT/TAPPING.
Persistence is key to success and the same goes for EFT/Tapping. By Tapping every morning and every night you will persist in a steady state of gratitude which is in vibrational alignment with your desires.
Achieving Perfect Vibrational Alignment with YOUR Desires is a 3-step Process:
Step #1) In the words of Neville Goddard, you must deny the reality of your senses. Which simply means detaching from your current reality and instead focusing your full energy and attention on your inner reality, where YOUR desire currently resides.
This involves you feeling yourself already having achieved your dreams, live in that moment and experience all the feelings associated with their manifestation, like pure joy, euphoria, and most importantly gratitude.
Step #2) By Aligning yourself with Gratitude you will naturally be in vibrational alignment with your desire. Why is that? Well, because the subconscious mind does not know the difference between inner reality and outer reality, when we are thankful for everything in our life, including the things that haven’t manifested yet in our outer reality, you’re telling the Universe that your desire is already yours so that feeling of gratitude serves as a catalyst to the Law of Attraction to manifest your desire in your outer reality quickly, along with more and more abundance. Gratitude itself is a form of abundance, and the vibrational frequency of gratitude and appreciation will automatically attract even more to be grateful for. You’re thankful so here are more things to be thankful for. This is also a breeding ground for synchronistic events and opportunities galore.
Step #) You MUST eliminate limiting beliefs from your thoughts and feelings. Limiting beliefs like I’m not worthy, or desirable, or good enough, I’m not lovable, all I’ve experienced is rejection, bad things happen to me regardless of how positive I am. Not only will those limiting beliefs knock you out of vibrational alignment with your desire every single time, but they will hinder you from ever manifesting your desires.
Like attracts like. You organically attract whatever is in harmony with your current state of being, whether good, bad, or indifferent. If your energy is radiating abundance and wealth, then your physical reality will reflect abundance and wealth. If you’re radiating anger and frustration, then your physical reality will reflect anger and frustration, and bring about more of that to you, in the form of people and experiences. So, if you don’t believe you can have what you desire, then you won’t attract that which you desire. And if you are struggling to believe that you will ever live the life of your dreams, then you are under the jackboot of Limiting Beliefs.

So, if you don’t believe you can have what you desire, then you won’t attract that which you desire. And if you are struggling to believe that you will ever live the life of your dreams, then you are under the jackboot of Limiting Beliefs.
Limiting Beliefs do their damnedest to keep you in status quo and on that hamster wheel of life unless you learn to break free from their control!
Think of vibrational alignment as a mirror, reflecting our thoughts and feelings from our inner reality to outer reality. Change how we feel and our outer reality molds to that new way of thinking and feeling.

Anything that exists in physical form began as an idea in our subconscious mind. When the idea is felt and the imagination takes hold, the thought/feeling begins to attract vibrationally similar thoughts and before you know it the idea begins to take shape.
Our subconscious mind does not know the difference between inner reality and outer reality. Which is why what we truly believe to be true will be reflected from our inner reality to our outer reality, the physical realm—good, bad, or indifferent. Which is why it is important to be careful what you wish for!
How to DENY THE REALITY OF YOUR SENSES (step 1) and be in perfect vibrational alignment with your desire:
- Create a movie clip in your mind’s eye and watch it play out every day. In this movie imagine yourself already having manifested whatever it is you desire, living with it, and all the feelings associated with its manifestation.
- Don’t just watch this movie clip, experience it in first person. What are you feeling, e.g. joy, happiness, euphoria…? What are you wearing? Who’s with you? What are you discussing? what’s the weather like outside?
- Watch and experience this movie clip over and over again, even better if you do so while Tapping on all the acupoints.
Like Neville Goddard teaches, the feeling is what manifests your desire, what takes it from your inner reality, aka your subconscious mind, to your outer reality aka the physical reality, physical realm, what you are seeing right now.

That feeling it and living in the movie you created tricks your subconscious mind into thinking it is already so. Because your subconscious mind does not know the different between inner reality and outer reality, if you convince yourself that you are already enjoying your desire and experiencing the emotions as a result of manifesting your desire, like gratitude, joy, happiness, and the like, then your subconscious mind is like “oh it’s a real thing” and that thought right there has synced the wavelengths of your thoughts/feelings to your desire, a perfect vibrational match, or alignment if you will.

Now, the question is how do you get in perfect vibrational alignment with your desire when you are under the jackboot of Limiting Beliefs and struggling to deny the reality of your senses, struggling to detach especially when you are broke and lonely and in a toxic work environment and on and on?

One word: GRATITUDE. Gratitude is the vessel that carries us to that perfect vibrational state of alignment where our desires manifest in our outer reality.
Gratitude is a high vibrational frequency of its own, and its frequency is the same regardless if you’re thankful for the little things like clothes and shoes and safety or big things that haven’t manifested yet like financial abundance, whatever your desire is. Gratitude is gratitude. And once you reach that state of gratitude and we are thankful for everything in our life, including the things we want to manifest, that tells the Universe that our desire is already yours so that feeling is a catalyst to the Law of Attraction to manifest our desire in our outer reality quickly.
By practicing gratitude everyday you are raising your energetic vibration. But this is where limiting beliefs hinder any and all progress every single time.
It’s one thing to recite a mantra of gratitude every day and try to force yourself to believe it only to have to battle limiting beliefs like I’m not worthy, I’m not desirable or good enough, I’m not lovable, all I’ve experienced is rejection, bad things happen to me regardless of how positive I am. Not only will those limiting beliefs knock you out of vibrational alignment with your desire every single time, but they will hinder you from ever manifesting your desires.
So how do we reach a state of perpetual gratitude AND slay the limiting beliefs once and for all.
Well, this is where EFT comes into play and why it’s so incredibly powerful.
EFT/tapping will not only bulldoze over those limiting beliefs pretty damn quickly but EFT will get you into a steady state of gratitude pretty damn quickly, and you’ll persist in that state of gratitude because your brain will have been rewired and reprogramed in the best possible way. Which is precisely what EFT/Tapping does!

Everything is made up of energy. And we all vibrate energetically at a particular frequency. The lower frequencies are where doubt and fear and depression reside, all the negative heavy emotions. And the higher levels are where prosperity, joy, abundance and gratitude reside.
Practicing Gratitude in combination with EFT is the vessel that enables us to quantum jump from lower levels to higher vibrational levels.
When reaching high vibrational levels, the Lower vibrational energies like fear and doubt will ALWAYS try to pull you back in their undertow. But EFT/Tapping is like your sword and shield, use it daily to slay those negative energies.
By Using EFT we can easily stay in this steady state of gratitude, and in this state we attract more and more abundance, because we are thankful for all the things, even things that haven’t even happened yet. What we desire may not be here yet in the material sense, or in our outer reality, but it is in our inner reality, our subconscious. And that persisting in the state of gratitude is how we reach that perfect vibrational alignment with our desire. Then we sit back and watch our desires unfold in our outer reality.
Beginning and ending your day with GRATITUDE paired with EFT/Tapping will ensure that you manifest abundance and all your dreams and desire.
It’s imperative that while persisting in this state of gratitude, you detach from your current reality aka DENYING THE REALITY OF YOUR SENSES by constantly envisioning already living with your desire and all the feelings of joy, euphoria, and gratitude that are associated with achieving your dreams aka your mind movie.
Even better if you can Tap while visualizing your mind movie!
By Tapping every morning and every night, you will persist in a state of gratitude, that is a perfect vibrational match with your desires, all while keeping limiting beliefs at bay. Tapping along to my morning and evening EFT videos for 30 days will:
- Rewire and reprogram your brainwaves
- Eliminate Limiting Beliefs/Negative Thought Patterns
- You will be able to recognize when Limiting Beliefs/Negative Thought Patterns try to creep back in your mind and STOP them from taking root.
- You will have trained your mind to be GRATEFUL for all things, and will start to take note of your surroundings and all that you have.
- You will be better equipped to DENY THE REALITY OF YOUR SENSES regardless of what’s happening around you.
- You will have trained your mind to be grateful for all things.
- You will PERSIST in a STATE OF GRATITUDE regardless if harsh reality clashes with your inner reality.
- You will be guided nightly to a “STATE AKIN TO SLEEP, ” the THETA state where
our intuition is truly heightened and mind and body are completely in sync, where you have a direct link to the Universe and can communicate anything and it will be received.
You will ACCOMPLISH all this because you START YOUR MORNING and END YOUR DAY with GRATITUDE and EFT/Tapping!

And it all begins with Gratitude!
EFT/Tapping Morning Session
(Part 1 of Easily Manifesting your Desires with EFT Series)
EFT/Tapping Evening Session
(Part 2 of Easily Manifesting your Desires with EFT/Tapping)

Zen monks, psychic mediums, energy healers, and Catholic nuns, their experiences in the mystical realm all have one trait in common: theta brain waves.
According to studies, when participants were hooked up to an EEG device, and their brain activity was measured before and after the experiment, AFTER ONE EFT/Tapping session there was a significant increase in theta brainwave activity.
Neuroscience continues to show us the powerful impact that visualization aka your mind movie has on our subconscious mind and how we can literally create the life we desire by incorporating visualization into our life.
Neville Goddard instructs us to get into a “state akin to sleep“. This is the place beyond our wandering thoughts and to-do lists. This is the THETA STATE and we can do that pretty damn quickly with EFT/Tapping.
When your brain is in THETA, it is the state of mind where it is believed you can create everything and change reality instantly.

In the theta state our intuition is truly heightened and mind and body are completely in sync. This is why manifesting right before you fall asleep is the absolute best time to visualize your dream, whether it be at nighttime or a nap.
That connection is the strongest between mind and body and anything you send out to the universe will definitely take hold.
In the theta state you have a direct link to the Universe and can communicate anything and it will be received. So it’s best to tap right before bed. And as you are falling asleep play your mind movie over and over again, and allow yourself to feel everything associated with manifesting your desires. Feel the joy and euphoria and gratitude into being
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