Using EFT to Pick up the Pieces & Heal from Heartache!

Healing Heartache & Get over a Breakup with EFT

Heartache is real. And the toll it takes on our bodies is staggering. From the death hormone cortisol flooding our bodies, loss of appetite to trouble sleeping, which just further exacerbates anxiety and depression, heartache is a real bitch and it’s hard to shake. Psychologists have compared a broken heart to drug withdrawal. Even going so far as saying that when heartbroken our brains respond the same way as addicts withdrawing from drugs like heroin.

Just like an addict must fight the urge to use, the heartbroken must learn to think rationally, the experts say.

Think rationally?! 

Easier said than done! 

When you’re suffering from the loss of a relationship and grieving the death of a relationship, you can’t be expected to “think rationally,” just like the snap of one’s fingers!  No. Instead our base instincts KICK IN and we can’t stop thinking about him or her, we can’t stop overanalyzing, trying to find reasons why the relationship ended. Some of you might resort to stalking him or her on social media… No judgements here, but don’t do that to yourself.

Do you really want to see your ex with someone else?




Do yourself a solid and delete all social media apps for a spell, while you heal. 

I’ve been where you’re at! Grief is actually one of the first things I used EFT for, first issue I ever Tapped on. True Story. So, I’m not here tell you to move on, nor am I going to tell you to get over him or her.  

Instead, I’m going to help you heal with EFT!

“Oh really, Kelly,” you’re probably saying. “You’re gonna quickly relieve me of the fathoms-deep pain I’m feeling?!”

Yes, yes, I am, with Tapping.

Using what’s referred to as exposure and cognitive therapy in psychology, Tapping rewires the brain, a cognitive restructuring if you will.

In my Tapping for Heartache video, I have you focus on the negative feelings heartbreak evokes within you while tapping on various acupoints. These feelings range from pain, tightness in your chest, acute sadness, emptiness… And these feelings of heartache are blocking your energy, which is why it feels like you’ll never get better, you’ll never get over him or her. We’re going to open up your energy channels, rewire and reprogram your brain, so that you can begin healing and picking up the pieces.


During this Tapping for Heartache video, actual stress and the feelings evoked from heartache that you’re currently mired within will be released in your body, and a feeling of calmness will take over. Another way of putting it, the tapping will nullify the negative feelings in your brain/body and replace them with positive ones. The painful memories of what you just went through, the breakup, will be associated with feelings of calmness.

Before you being Tapping along to the video, please do the following:

  • Tapping works best when hydrated, so make sure you drink a glass or 2 of H2O before Tapping!
  • Measure your SUDs (Subjective Units of Distress) level, from 1-10 (10 being the highest). For example, if you are uncontrollably crying and can’t focus or eat, I’d say you were probably a 10+.
  • Follow along with the video and do all 3 rounds.
  • At the end of the video, measure your SUDs level again. You should have felt a decrease in your SUDs level. 
  • Keep Tapping along with the video, noting your SUDs level each time, until you are at a 1 or 0, preferably.

If you’d like to read further about how EFT works to rewire/reprogram your brain, the Science of EFT, CLICK HERE. 

3 thoughts on “Tapping for Heartache!”

  1. One of the most profound heartaches of my life was when a dog of mine died. I was in love with that dog and her passing haunts me to this day. We shared a special bond and this tapping session really did help. I would like to make an appointment to continue with this sorrow that I have never been able to shake. Marie

    1. Hi anonymous!
      I too deal with the grief of losing my furbabies! Go to the Work with Me page on my site and set up a FREE 20-min. consultation for us to talk. Thank you!

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