What to Do While You’re Waiting on Success
Does this sound like you: you have a goal, you’re tapping on it, trying to manifest it, and it’s just not happening yet. You feel confident that it will happen, but you’re not sure of when that will be.
What do you do in the meantime while you’re waiting?
Here is one thing you should NOT do: Focus on your not having it.
When we focus on all the things we don’t have, worrying about not having them and then having doubts about ever getting them, we create a blockage. We set ourselves up for failure with the doubts, anxiety, and the negative energy.
Here’s what you should do instead:
Believe in your success and feed yourself positive energy.
If we want to attract success into our lives, we need to focus on success. And sometimes that means we need to get a little creative about what that success includes. I’m sure there are achievements that you don’t really consider success. Maybe that includes learning a hobby at a young age or graduating college. Those are achievements and they translate to success.
So, write down all of the things you have achieved in your life. What goals have you set and met? What have you learned? Are you able to tie a cherry stem into a knot? That sounds like a fun achievement, and one that not everyone can do!
You want to focus on things you have done or learned. And this exercise is even more fun when you include the things that make you smile, whatever they may be.
Once you have your list (it does not need to be complete – you can add more things to it later), start tapping on the acupressure points.
Before each tapping session, assess how you’re feeling. Are you feeling doubt? Are you feeling impatient? Then start the setup, the part that starts with “Even though I [insert problem area], I choose to love and accept myself anyway.”
Once you’re done with the setup, tap on the points as you talk more about how you’re feeling, and then transition to the items on your SUCCESS list.
If you’re feeling great already and you want to feel even better, just tap away, starting at the eyebrow point.
Doing this daily will help us stay focused on success so that we can attract even more.
Happy Manifesting!
*New to EFT/Tapping? Go here to learn more.